PhiloSOPHIA 2025: Accommodation and Room Blocks

Hotel: The George, room rate: $169+tax. Please note that reservations must be made by March 30 in order to ensure this rate and room availability.

This link will take you directly to the room blocks at The George and Calvary Court:

You may also book by visiting the hotel’s website at From there, click “reservations” in the top right-hand corner. Select the group’s arrival and departure date, select “group/block” as the promo type, and enter the group code TPM952. All the rooms available within the block should show up.

You may also call reservations at 1-844-599-3871 (The George) and reference the group name (TAMU Philosophy Meeting) to book your rooms.

The "Century" Oak tree on the main Texas A&M Campus.
The cupola of the Academic Building on the main Texas A&M Campus.
The front pillars of the Texas A&M Academic Building.
The "Welcome to Aggieland" water tower in College Station, Tx.