philoSOPHIA: A Journal of transContinental Feminism

philoSOPHIA: A Journal of transContinental Feminism is published by SUNY Press and edited by Kyoo Lee (CUNY), Alyson Cole (CUNY), and Emma Bianchi (NYU).

philoSOPHIA is an international, interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal of feminist philosophy, theory, and creativity. Established in 2008, and “transContinentalized” in 2018, the journal biannually publishes cutting-edge scholarship that extends the rich traditions of transformative feminist interventions and socio-political engagements. Actively connecting and creating divergent feminist approaches, cultures, genres and histories, philoSOPHIA seeks to cultivate discursive alliances with, especially but not exclusively, critical race, disability, literary, media, and queer studies. On Project Muse.

Article submissions must follow the philoSOPHIA Style Sheet (PDF) and should be sent to

For governance details, see philoSOPHIA Governance (PDF).

Keep up with updates from the editors via @SayWhatSOPHIA on Twitter.

Unanswerable by Lorna Simpson
Image: Lorna Simpson, Unanswerable (Detail), 2018, Found photograph and collage on paper. © Lorna Simpson. Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth. Photo: James Wang

Editor Bios

Alyson Cole is Professor of Political Science, Women’s and Gender Studies, and American Studies at Queens College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York. Her books include The Cult of True Victimhood: From the War on Welfare to the War on Terror (Stanford, 2007), Michael Rogin: Derangement and Liberalism (Routledge, 2019), and How Capitalism Forms Our Lives (Routledge, 2019). Cole is a principal scholar in the “Vulnerable & Dynamic Forms of Life” International Research Network, an interdisciplinary research collective supported by the National Center for Scientific Research, and serves as Executive Officer of the PhD/MA Program in Political Science at the Graduate Center.

Kyoo Lee is a transdisciplinary philosopher, writer, critic, and the author of Reading Descartes Otherwise (Fordham UP) and Writing Entanglish (Belladonna*), teaches Philosophy, Gender Studies, and Justice Studies at the City University of New York. A recipient of faculty fellowships from Cambridge University, KIAS, the Mellon Foundation, and the NEH, among others, she publishes widely in the interwoven fields of the Arts and the Humanities. Throughout her site-specific philopoetic practices, Professor Lee explores co-generative links between critical theory and creative prose. A scholar also active in editorial fieldwork, she is part of the new book series initiative Bloomsbury Studies in Critical Poetics.

Emanuela Bianchi (Book Editor) is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and is affiliated with the Department of Classics and the Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies at New York University. She is the author of The Feminine Symptom: Aleatory Matter in the Aristotelian Cosmos (Fordham, 2014); coeditor (with Sara Brill and Brooke Holmes) of Antiquities Beyond Humanism (Oxford, 2019); and editor of Is Feminist Philosophy Philosophy? (Northwestern, 1999).

Journal Advisory Board

Mieke Bal, University of Amsterdam

Kathryn Sophia Belle, Penn State University

Judith Butler, University of California, Berkeley

Devon W. Carbado, University of California, Los Angeles School of Law

Tina Chanter, Kingston University, London

Brittney Cooper, Rutgers University

Roderick Ferguson, University of Illinois at Chicago

Jack Halberstam, Columbia University

Saidiya Hartman, Columbia University

Mary Hawkesworth, Rutgers University

Bonnie Honig, Brown University

Trinh T. Minh-ha, University of California, Berkeley

Chandra Mohanty, Syracuse University

Kelly Oliver, Vanderbilt University

Mariana Ortega, John Carroll University

Jasbir K. Puar, Rutgers University

Falguni Sheth, Emory University

Robin Wang, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles

Cynthia Willett, Emory University

Image: Lorna Simpson, Unanswerable (Detail), 2018

Found photograph and collage on paper

© Lorna Simpson. Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth

Photo: James Wang