philoSOPHIA 16th Annual Conference
June 1-3, 2023 | Hybrid (in-person and virtual)
Hosted by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Conference Theme:
Southern Movements:
Transnational Feminist Praxis and Philosophical Interventions
With virtual and in-person keynote speakers:
Ochy Curiel, National University of Colombia
Jasbir K. Puar, Rutgers University
Stephanie Rivera Berruz, Marquette University
Lindsey Stewart, University of Memphis
This year, we have invited contributions that promote a broad understanding of feminist theorizing and organizing through an examination of both regional and diasporic relations between the U.S. South and the Global South, including relations among African, Indigenous, Caribbean, Latin American, Middle Eastern, and Asian gender/sexuality studies and their U.S. Southern connections. We have also encouraged dialogue on these regional and diasporic relations within transnational disability theory, global discourses of queer/cuir/quare and trans/travesti studies, and migration studies.
philoSOPHIA 2023 Conference Schedule
June 1st-3rd, 2023
Thursday, June 1st
4PM - 5PM
5PM - 6:30PM
In-person Keynote #1:
Stephanie Rivera Berruz, “Morir-Vivir Beyond the Human: Partial Ecological Connections and the Reconceptualization of Life”
Moderator: Martin Shuster
6:30PM - 8PM
Projective Eye Gallery Tour with Adam Justice “Awaiting the Vertical, featuring work by Halide Salam”
Friday, June 2nd
8AM - 9AM
Registration, Refreshments
9AM - 10:20 AM
Session 1A* (*will include live interpretation services )
Leyla Savloff, “‘No Estamos Todas, Faltan Las Presas’” (We are Not All Here, Incarcerated Women are Missing) - Feminist Collectives and Interdependence in Argentina”
Marianna Poyares, “Accompaniment as sisterhood: undoing the patriarchal ties of sanctuary activism”
Taylor Rogers, “Multiplicitous Grief: Butler, Anzaldúa, and Reparative Ontologies of Loss”
Moderator: Andrea Dionne Warmack
Session 1B
Jack R Leff, “Tear Gas, Atmospheres of Nationalism, and Racial Hierarchy”
Hannah R. Bacon, “Abolitional Time: Situated Ethical Responsibility for Carceral Time”
Muhammad Velji, “From Security to Safety: How the Transformative Justice Movement Allows us to See a New Way of Connecting Self Transformation to Social Transformation”
Moderator: Imge Oranli
Session 1C
Jill Drouillard, “Of Worlds, Not Words: Bridging Heidegger with Border Consciousness and Trans Poetics”
Oliver McGowan, “Somebody Think of the Children!: Anti-Trans Legislation, Moral Panics, and the Possibility of Queer Flourishing”
Chris Jingchao Ma, “Reading Irigaray and Grosz against cisgenderism”
Moderator: Tal-Hi (Tali) Bitton
10:20AM - 10:30AM
10:30AM - NOON
Session 2A* (*will include live interpretation services)
Panel: “Mycorrhizal movements: A transnational fungal-feminist approach to building coalitional dialogues across territorial difference”
Xalli Zúñiga, “Composting Mestizaje: Indigenous Women's Fungal Knowledge in Central Mexico”
Xalli Zúñiga, Elspeth Mitchell, Lenka Vráblíková, “Voice, Language, Fungi: a Conversation with Guiliana Furci”
Perry Zurn, “The Mycorrhizal Character of Transversality: A Conversation with Gabriela Veronelli”
Moderators: Xalli Zúñiga
Session 2B
Selin Islekel, “‘We Come Together for Truth’: Mothers’ Movements, Techniques of Mourning, and Decolonial Feminist Practices of Truth”
Tal-Hi (Tali) Bitton, “Palestinian Women and the Contours of Reproductive Struggle”
Desiree Valentine, “Reparations for Racialized Reproductive Oppression”
Moderator: Devonya N. Havis
Session 2C
Pedagogy Workshop: “Beyond ‘Add students and stir’: Co-teaching with Students, the Collaborative Classroom, and So Much More”
Facilitators: Emily Lange, Ann J. Cahill, Stephen Bloch-Schulman
NOON - 1:30PM
1:30PM - 2:50PM
Session 3 A* (*will include live interpretation services )
Shaila Wadhwani-Greenhalgh, “Cohabitation after Modernity – Domestication as Coalition and Critique”
Andrea Dionne Warmack, “Notes Toward Homing”
Jeta Mulaj, “Travelling to the Servants’ Quarters: The Limits of Lugones’ Transnational Feminism”
Moderator: Anwar Uhuru
Session 3B
Caleb Ward, “Imperial Conditioning: Audre Lorde against Complicity with Empire”
Rhiannon Lindgren, “Care Chains, Capital, and Class: Towards International Feminist Solidarity”
Namita Goswami, “Riding the Hyphen of Another Mother Tongue: Moving Devi 2.0”
Moderator: Jack Leff
Session 3C
Stephen D Seely & Yvette Russell, “The Interval: A Framework for Decolonizing Erotic Justice?”
Amanda Pinto, “Theorizing Sexual Resistance through a Pole Dance Studio with the works of María Lugones and L.H. Stallings”
Paria Gashtili, “Lived Experience of the World: Latina Feminist Phenomenology and the Public / Private Distinction in Muslim Societies”
Moderator: Zama Dube
2:50PM - 3:00PM
3:00 PM - 4:20PM
Session 4A* (*will include live interpretation services )
Ada Jaarsma & Suze Berkhout, “Sylvia Wynter and Bodymind Stories”
Nicholas Osaka, “Interpreting Feminisms Between and Across Generations of the Japanese Diaspora: Feminist Practices of the Nikkei”
Moderator: Amanda Pinto
Session 4B
Joanna Ruth Evans, “Deep Southern Improvisations with the Dead”
Zama Dube, “Visualizing Herstories: Mapping Cinematic representations of Black Feminist Movements in the African Diaspora”
Anwar Uhuru, “Femmephobia and Black Queer Malehood”
Moderator: Rhiannon Lindgren
Session 4C
Sid Hansen, “Collateral Genealogy as Scientific Praxis”
Jasmine Wallace, “Archives of Black Life: Sharpe, Spillers, and Foucault on the Living Histories of Black Embodiment”
M. Gail Hamner, “Decolonizing Gender, Affect, and Archive through the Road Trip: Theorizing Lost Children Archive”
Moderator: Hannah R. Bacon
4:20PM - 4:30PM
4:30PM - 6:00PM
Virtual Keynote #1* (*will include live interpretation services)
Ochy Curiel, “Aportes del feminismo decolonial desde Abya Yala”
Moderator: Carmen Soliz
Saturday, June 3rd
8AM - 9AM
Registration, Refreshments
9AM - 10:20 AM
Session 5A
Jane Dryden, “Playfulness, Control, and Microbiomes”
Abbey Brooks, “Resisting Settler Colonial Citation: Positionality, Relationality, and Loving, Knowing Ignorance”
Imge Oranli, “Teaching Ethics, Practicing Engaged Pedagogy in Turkey”
Moderator: Taylor Rogers
Session 5B
Panel: “Differences in Difference: Decolonial Interventions by Indian feminist philosophers”
Eleanor Pinto, “In-Digestion: A Feminist Philosophical approach to Marginal and Multiple Postcolonial ‘Indian’ Identities beyond Curry”
Dalorina Nath, “World-Traveling through Caste, Class and Gender”
Amrita Banerjee, “Solidarity and Its Discontents”
Moderator: Jahnavi Patel
Session 5C & 6C (see session below)
Panel: “Pre-publication launch of The Bloomsbury Guide to Philosophy of Disability”
Shelley Lynn Tremain, “Situating Philosophy of Disability In/Out of Philosophy”
Kristin Rodier, “Would You Kill the Fat Man Hypothetical? Fat Stigma in the Discipline of Philosophy”
Johnathan Flowers, “Algorithms as Ableist Orientation Devices: The Technosocial Inheritance of Colonialism and Ableism”
Amandine Catala, “Epistemic Injustice and Epistemic Authority on Autism”
Moderator: Andrea J. Pitts
10:20AM - 10:30AM
10:30AM - NOON
In-person Keynote #2:
Lindsey Stewart, “Contributions to Conjure Feminism: Oshun, Mermaids, and Marie Laveau”
Moderator: Felecia Harris
NOON - 1:30PM
Lunch, Business meeting
1:30PM - 2:50PM
Session 6A
Panel: “Decolonialism, Recognition, and its Discontents: Refusal, Dismissal, and Opacity”
Devonya Havis, “Ethics of Refusal”
Falguni A. Sheth, “The Neocolonial Politics of Dismissal”
Mickaella Perina, “Opacity against violence and domestication”
Moderator: Chris Jingchao Ma
Session 6B
Randall Johnson, “White Gendered Bodies, Black Desiring Flesh”
Sanjula Rajat & Margaret McLaren, “Coloniality of Gender and Queerness in India”
Yingshihan (Shihan) Zhu, “Global Pinkwashing:How Does the Transnational Breast Cancer Awareness Movement Oppress Non-western Women?”
Moderator: Jasmine Wallace
Session 6C & 5C
Panel: “Pre-publication launch of The Bloomsbury Guide to Philosophy of Disability”
Mich Ciurria, “Disability, Ableism, Class, and Chronic Fatigue”
Élaina Gauthier-Mamaril, “A Crip Reading of Filipino Philosophy”
Melinda Hall, “Risking Ourselves, Together: The Politics of Persons of Risk”
Suze Berkhout and Ada Jaarsma, “Nocebos Talk Back: Marked Bodies Experiences and the Dynamics of Health Inequality”
Moderator: Andrea J. Pitts
2:50PM - 3:00PM
3PM - 4:30PM
Virtual Keynote #2
The Rosemarie Tong Honorary Lecture
Jasbir Puar, “Dividual Economies, Of Data, Of Flesh”
Moderator: Rachel E. Jones